Alan’s Personal Techy Website

  • Genesis WooCommerce

    Well Genesis is the best theme framework & WooCommerce the best ecommerce platform but out of the box they don’t play nicely. By combining some bits of code that are around, the bulk of which came from AlphaBlossom / Tony Eppright  here, I put togther with a Studio Press theme to make the following shop:…

  • Conditionally remove header widget from Genesis

    Genesis comes with a header widget area built in. Occasionally you may want to remove this for specific pages. The following code snippet in functions.php will do the trick add_action( ‘genesis_meta’, ‘my_remove_hr’); function my_remove_hr() { if ( is_page( ‘privacy-cookies’ ) ) { unregister_sidebar( ‘header-right’ ); } } The if statement will need to be adjusted…

  • Allow html in user description

    The WordPress user bio only allows a very restricted set html. Occasionally, it is desirable to be able to format the WordPress user bio with additional html.  Out of the box that is not possible. However to allow additional html in the WordPress user bio, like I have with some <p> and <br> to break…

  • Coding jQuery safely in WordPress

    I keep forgetting the syntax so this is just to remind me. In WordPress you want to ensure you don’t get conflicts with jQuery so there is a safe way to code it jQuery(function( $ ) { // Your code using failsafe $ alias here… }); And if you want it when the DOM is…

  • RightMove BLM file import to WordPress

    Rightmove BLM file converter Plugin is now available to download We are pleased to say, that the plugin is now available to purchase. It is listed at I do hope you will find this very useful. Go to plugin page   Plugin for  Right Move BLM file imports to WordPress Right Move is a property…

  • CSS styled slider buttons, with CSS triangles

    You can style slider buttons using css.   A simple clean style is arrows with a square box ( or a circle ). An example is like this  The code is like this <a href=”#”><div class=’arrow-wrap left’> </div></a> <a href=”#”><div class=’arrow-wrap right’> </div></a> Which sets up the links and a div per link then the css…