Category: Genesis

  • Featured images in Genesis single posts and archives

    If you are building a child theme with Genesis, you may initially struggle with featured images in blog posts. By default Genesis has a theme option relating to featured images in Archives. This can be found in dashboard>Genesis>Theme Settings ticking the boxes and setting the options will turn that on for you (ready for any…

  • Adding a favicon to Genesis theme

    The favicon is the little image at the top of  a web browser. You probably know that. If you are using the WordPress Genesis framework then you will have noticed the favicon is a black G Ideally all websites should have their own branded favicon to ensure a consistent brand identity. This is relatively straight…

  • Creating a custom page template in Genesis with featured image and parent page title

    This template is designed to be used for sub pages of  parent pages in WordPress, using Genesis framework. The concept being to have a splash title of the parent page’s title   followed with a featured image with the actual page title. Step 1 Create a Genesis page template <?php /** * This file adds…

  • Genesis Hooks

    Genesis WordPress framework is an interesting proposition. I would say that it isn’t designed for the faint hearted or non technical theme option tweakers, it is designed to work with the fundamental way WordPress integrates code, using hooks, both action hooks and filter hooks. If you are not familiar with the way WordPress uses these,…

  • Turn off Genesis theme SEO feature

    Genesis framework comes with an in-built SEO feature. This is great, unless you don’t want it and want to turn it off to use another plugin The creators of Genesis have thought of this and have set it up to automatically switch off when another popular SEO plugin is installed. However, what if the plugin…

  • Create a bar above the header in Genesis

    Some times a design requires a bar above the header. This could be for multiple purposes such as a telephone number a mini menu social icons search or other things as required. To make sure it is flexible, regarding content, then it is best to define it with widget areas. In this case I have…