Category: Tech Tips

  • Moving where Gravity Forms stores uploads

    To migrate where Gravity Forms stores uploads, first you need to add a filter to your functions.php I needed to do this as a wanted a secure place and the default location was giving me problems. Create a directory of your server that is visible from the web, and secure it with .htaccess appropriately e.g.…

  • Adding Share By Email to WPMUDEV Floating Social

    To add to WMPUDEV’s floating social an add to email button you can add the following code to Settings> Floating Social > Add New Custom Service > Code The button will open the default mail client and construct a message that includes the post’s URL. You may need to tweak the floating social css to…

  • Importing large WordPress Blog from one server to another

    I am writing this post as I have learned that moving a big blog from one server to another can be difficult. As most movements I have are from a stand alone WordPress site to a Multi-Site, I find the export / import the easiest way, but it isn’t without issues. The Export/Import method is…

  • Who is | How to block

    Later in this post I tell you how to block I recently notice strange referral traffic from   So a quick investigation, by visiting their site I see that they are some sort of analytics tools. Offering a free sign up for 7 days but no pricing, suspicious or what? At this point…

  • Repairing MYSQL database after a crash

    With linux, its a good idea to monitor your disc space carefully as if you run out of space you can create all sorts of problem.  Elsewhere I will post a disc space usage script that you might find useful. So you had a crash due to lack of space it is highly likely that…

  • Setting up Varnish with Virtualmin – Centos in 5 steps

    I have just finished setting up Varnish on my test server that uses Webmin/Virtualmin, with Apache on Centos. It has been a little bit of a voyage of discovery but I think I have cracked it. Much of what I have here is based on many other blogs and forums. In essence once you know…