Alan’s Personal Techy Website

  • Step 1 – Fediversing – Adding ActivityPub plugin

    Step 1 – Fediversing – Adding ActivityPub plugin

    Really was as simple as adding the plugin and then I could follow myself from my mastadon account. Sort of blew my mind how simple and that it works just like that. I’ll add an image here just for fun and a different featured image.

  • Fediverse and WordPress

    The Fediverse, short for “federated universe,” is a decentralized network of interconnected social media platforms and online communities. It is based on a set of open web protocols and standards that enable users from different platforms to interact with each other seamlessly. In the traditional social media model, platforms like Facebook or Twitter operate as…

  • Setting up a Proxy Server on a VPS

    To set up a proxy on a Linux VPS, you can follow these general steps: Here are some more detailed instructions for installing Squid on Ubuntu: To set up a proxy on a Linux VPS, you can follow these general steps: Here are some more detailed instructions for installing Squid on Ubuntu: sql That’s it!…

  • Open letter to the WordPress Plugins Review Team

    Dear WordPress Plugin Volunteers, I am writing to you today to express my sincere gratitude and admiration for your hard work and dedication in reviewing new plugins and ensuring the security of WordPress websites. I have personal experience both side of the above, security review of a legacy plugin and submissions of new plugins. The…

  • WordPress Plugin Developers and Escaping late

    One major difficulty with passing WordPress org security reviews is escaping late. I wrote this article based on my experience of hardening the plugins I adopted. What does this mean? It means applying a function around any data that is output at the time of output that removes any risky output. What is risky output?…

  • Activating Jetpack Modules

    It seems Jetpack has a mind of its own deciding what modules to activate by default, especially on a localhost install where you can’t connect to their servers. I wanted to test their default Contact Form against my Anti Spam but was having difficultly trying to understand why it was not active. After going down…