Alan’s Personal Techy Website

  • Developing Freemium Plugins

    Developing Freemium plugins for WordPress presents a unique blend of opportunities and challenges. The technical hurdles can be significant, requiring a deep understanding of WordPress’s architecture and a commitment to ongoing updates and improvements. Marketing challenges include finding and reaching your target audience, and convincing users of the value of upgrading from free to premium.…

  • WPCS 3.0.0 Breaking Changes

    Like many #WordPress #Plugin and Theme developers I use #PHPCS with WordPress rule sets to help with coding the WP standards, especially around security. Also like many I use #composer to install #WP coding standards with its dependencies. The issue is that composer will update without warning, even if there are breaking changes. So I…

  • WordPress 6.3  how can I add a link that opens in a new tab?

    WordPress 6.3 how can I add a link that opens in a new tab?

    In WP 6.2 opening a new tab for a link was obvious. In 6.3 it is a bit hidden, seems you have to edit the link, expand advanced and there is a check box.

  • Unintended consequences of some CSS techniques

    TLDR: a form field with a negative margin margin-left: -99999999px breaks form input on iPhones and iPads Discovering the Incompatibility Issue: As an experienced web developer, I was handed the responsibility of maintaining an old WordPress plugin that incorporated a honeypot field as part of its anti-spam measures. The hidden honeypot field was designed to…

  • Battle of the Geeks: PHPStorm vs. VS Code

    Battle of the Geeks: PHPStorm vs. VS Code

    Prologue: In my coding adventures, PHPStorm has always been my trusty companion. It never failed me, delivering a powerful and reliable coding experience. But then, a tantalizing article by Jonathan Bossenger caught my attention, tempting me to reconsider VS Code. Time, however, stood as a barrier between me and this intriguing alternative. Should I…

  • Step 2 – Fediversing – Add Webfinger plugin

    Step 2 – Fediversing – Add Webfinger plugin

    I added this plugin because it was in the tutorial, I have actually no idea what it really does or why it is needed., which is most unlike me. Perhaps some one can explain?