WordPress Plugin for Books

Best WordPress Plugin for Selling eBooks and Physical Books

Are you looking for the best plugin to sell books? You probably think you need WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads (EDD ) but I just discovered a recent and well developed WordPress plug bor books, called the Books Gallery.

You can check it out by visiting the Books Gallery site by clicking here.

Many people bloggers, internet marketers, writers, other authors and anyone else looking to make money from selling books on line need two things, in my opinion 1) a WordPress website ( because WordPress gives you the maximum flexibility ) and 2) A decent, well supported and designed to to the job plugin – and the Books Gallery is such a plugin

It is all about optimizing your store for books! That’s why I think the Books Gallery is the best the best WordPress plugins for selling eBooks and physical books.

OK, WordPress sites can technically host digital and sell physical goods by integrating with a plugin like WooCommerce, but you want your online bookstore to look like a bookstore, not a clothes shop.

There are so many features that it makes little sense to list theme all here, so just bounce over to the books-gallery.com and check it out.

For full disclosure, this website can potentially earn affiliate income form products and if you really find you can bear to share to help the site keep running – then you can visit the books-gallery.com directly without an affliate link using this address https://books-gallery.com






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