Become a good Frontend Developer.

Copied from Mauro Bono’s tweet

Tips I wish someone gave me on my coding journey to learn coding and become a good Frontend Developer.

  1. Learn the basic of HTML and CSS. Use
    , Mozilla MDN and Youtube as your free source of knowledge.
  2. Create an account on
    for free and use it to build anything you can with what you learn. Example: you learn what is a Form and different Input tags, build one, two or three forms on CodePen. Style them. Repeat with any new topic.
  3. As you advance on HTML and CSS open a website you like, check for a single element or section and try to build it by yourself. Try to make it as similar to the one you see on the website. Repeat this pattern as much as possible. Learn new things by doing.
  4. Install a code editor or IDE like
    on you pc, learn to use it, don’t spend too much time to choose a theme, create a “projects” folder and keep on building websites elements, sections or pages locally.
  5. Learn to use the Terminal. It will require just a couple of hours or less to get used to the very basic commands. It will be one of the best friends of your programming carrier.
  6. Install Git and learn it. You just need the basics in the beginning and require 3 to 5 hours to master them. Create an account on
  7. Start with the JavaScript section on
    , check both Mozilla MDN and Youtube for any new lesson topic. Add also
    blog to your belt. Example: when you’ll learn what is an array and some methods, check for them on YouTube.
  8. Create an account on
    or similar. Start solving easy string and array “katas” (problems). Take notes: create a repo on
    with a text file and push notes anytime you’ve got a new one.
  9. Leverage your social accounts to get help and hints when needed. There are many fantastic guy to help you out also here on Twitter. Use them to document your journey with posts/tweets. Start networking and thank yourself later (also me 😁) for this tip.
  10. Finish
    Javascript curriculum and keep on building website pages adding some interactivity with JS. Example: build navigations with different kind of mobile menus, create sliders or carousel, animate elements on clicks and mouse movements.
  11. Check on
    for great projects and try to replicate them. Learn how other coders use JavaScript. Build, build, build.
  12. Install Node and NPM on your pc and learn the basic with Youtube. It’s a free university, use it. Stick with one or two good channels (FreeCodeCamp is great,
    too) and learn the basics
  13. Keep a JavaScript framework and master it. I suggest React because it’s the most in demand at the moment. Start using the free course on
    . It’s simply fantastic. Keep building and pushing your works on Github.
  14. Buy a personal domain name, learn Nextjs and deploy your portfolio online for free with
    . Add a blog and start writing posts about your learning journey and programming topics.
  15. Start building 2 or 3 big projects to show on your portfolio and resume. Make them great to stand out from the mass. Build them in public. Get hints from others.
  16. Create an account on Linkedin, share your works, your journey, look for freelancing works or a job position. Leverage it to your needs. Learn from the Master
  17. Write your resume and check online for a job position. Start sending your resume. Don’t be afraid of rejections. They are part of the game. It’s a numbers game 😉

    I hope this thread will help you out and wish someone gave me all these hints years ago.






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