Fake PayPal Money Payment requests

Right now a very annoying tactic by scammer is to issue a Payment Request for something you haven’t purchased.

Some just hope you will see the payment request and by pot luck it will be something you are in the process of buying, like an iPhone and make a payment.

They can also include a worrying message like “Unauthorised payment detected contact 123-456 to stop payment”

Of course the number is direct to a scammer call centre where they will convince you to part with vital security information which may cost your dearly.

What should you do with a fake payment request?

The first thing you should do is email phising@paypal.com with teh request, in the hope that paypal secuity will be gathering information and closing down scammer’s accounts.

Then you should protect yourself.

Carry out these steps in order, the order is important.

  1. Go into PayPal settings, then data and privacy and set private, you don’y want your email more public than needed
  2. Ensure you have a strong unique password AND two factor authorisation set on your account. Two factor is very important as even if you are duped into revealing critical security information fraudsters are unlike to be able access your account without your phone
  3. Cancel any fraudulent payment requests.
  4. Add a new email to PayPal ( in gmail you can use + to extend your email e.g. myname+paypal@gmail.com other systems have email aliases )
  5. Verify the new email
  6. Set the new email to primary
  7. Step seven, delete the old email in PaypPal

    Then you should stop getting these requests, at least for the time being

    Why do I get fake PayPal payment requests

    The simple answer is your email has been added to a scammers list of potential targets.






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