Author: Alan

  • Getting post meta via WordPress REST API

    This the second post post in my series about getting and updating WordPress data via a spreadsheet.  The first post focused on the basics of Google Apps Scripting and the API call to the WP REST API – if you haven’t seen it you can read it here. This post is about meta data. In…

  • Linking WordPress to a Spreadsheet using WP REST API and Google Sheets scripts

    This post shows you how you can link a Google Spreadsheet to a WordPress website to extract data. I will write some further posts covering authentication and updating too. However a little warning, this is a programming task and a basic understanding of javascript is really required to follow what is going on. WordPress is…

  • Recipe for a Raspberry Pi Kiosk

    Recipe for a Raspberry Pi Kiosk

    I recently set up a Raspberry Pi as Chromium Kiosk so I could display a webpage on a wall mounted TV screen. I have written what I did in an easy to follow recipe format. If you follow configuration steps carefully you should be successful in setting up your Raspberry pi to work as a…