Customise Roundcube

Before we start

If you are Web Developer / Designer about to customise Roundcube to give your customers a better experience – I urge you to take   to solve your problem in a different way.


How to customise roundcube

  1. replace roundcube_logo.png with your logo, this is in skins/[activeskin]/images
  2. replace favicon.ico with your favicon, this is also in skins/[activeskin]/images
  3. edit config/main,inc.php  and change $rcmail_config[‘product_name’] = ‘Roundcube Webmail’; as required

That is it


Roundcube is an open source webmail client. And out of all the opensource webmail clients it probably is one of the best. Many hosting packages come with an option to install of use roundcube.  If not you can always download it from here

Once you have Roundcube up and operational on your server, you may what to brand roundcube, or white labe roundcube with your business logo.

This is very simple.

Branding Roundcube in 3 steps

Changing Roundcube Logo

The logo is help in the skins directory under the active skin.   If you don’t know what the active skin is then check out config/main,inc.php (you’ll edit this in step 3 anyway)  and see the line that looks a bit like


$rcmail_config['skin'] = 'larry';


in this example the skin is ‘larry’

so go to skins/larry/images and you will find the logo image  called roundcube_logo.png

simply replace this with your own logo in .png format. Ideally 49px height and somewhere between 100px and 150px wide seems to fit well.

Changing Roundcube Favicon

whilst you are in skins/[activeskin]/images you can also replace the favicon.ico file  with your own brand too.

Changing Roundcube Title

Finally in config/main,inc.php find a line like

$rcmail_config['product_name'] = 'Roundcube Webmail';


and change “Roundcube Webmail” to your desired title. e.g. “My Company Webmail, powered by Roundcube”





3 responses to “Customise Roundcube”

  1. smithwillsens avatar

    RoundcubeSkins.Com has been Launched!!!
    With COLORFUL skins for Roundcube Webmail Client !!!
    Roundcube Versions Support : 0.8.x and New Stable Released 0.9.0 !!!

  2. Cyril Robinson avatar

    I am using a cpanel host, is it possible to install Round cube mail on my host running cpanel and be able to customize the logo to my business logo?


    1. Alan avatar

      Hi, it will all depends on your hosting account and how the installation software works. If roundcube gets installed in your ‘public_html’ area then you should be able to make the changes with file manager. Fairly easy to check, install it, and then look at your file manager, it is likely to be in a directory /public_html/roundcube . If it isn’t, ask your hosting company if they can help.

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