Adding a favicon to Genesis theme

The favicon is the little image at the top of  a web browser. You probably know that.

If you are using the WordPress Genesis framework then you will have noticed the favicon is a black G

Genesis Favicon

Ideally all websites should have their own branded favicon to ensure a consistent brand identity.

This is relatively straight forward

Step 1 – Create a favicon

First you need a squarish image, I normally start with the logo of the site.

Then you need to generate a favicon.ico file. There are dozens of online resources for this, so no need to pay anyone anything. I tend to use as it is simple.

The favicon.ico file contains a 16×16 px image.

Step 2 – Upload it to your Genesis child theme

Using your favorite FTP program, then upload (and replace if necessary) favicon.ico into wp-content/themes/{your-child-them}/images fold

Step 3 – Refresh your browser

You may have to do this a couple of time, sit back and have a cup of tea and admire your work












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